Frequently asked questions

When will I receive my order?

The shipping process is carefully managed to ensure parcels are dispatched within 1-3 working days, with delivery times varying between 1-4 days based on the customer's location within Lithuania.

Your order will come with a tracking number when shipped.

Need that parcel like yesterday? Reach out & we'll try our best to make it faster!

Do you ship worldwide?

Coming soon!

What is your return / exchange policy?

In case of dissatisfaction, kindly contact us within 14 days of purchase at

Feel free to request a refund or exchange for any faulty items missed. Provide a photo within 14 days of delivery, showing the defect clearly for our team to review. Upon agreement on the refund or exchange details, kindly return the item for processing.

Customers are responsible for covering shipping costs (unless it's the item that we overlooked).

What payment methods do you accept?

Major credit cards are supported on our digital store.

Where are the items shipped from?

We are based in Lithuania!

How can I contact the Cupid?

Contact us via social media or email at

What to do in case of a missing order?

Each order includes a tracking code for you to follow its journey to you. In case of a missing order, contact the courier company.